Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fort Osage

We had amazing storms last night during the night.  Once again, I'm glad I wasn't tent camping!  We were dry, safe and could enjoy the light show.  This morning we left and headed for Fort Osage.  William Clark chose the location for the fort and came back in 1808 to see to the building of it.  It was to serve as an outpost for the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase and to protect the United States Factory Trade House that was established there.  
Fort Osage

Andrew and Josiah liked the dugout canoe but don't want to make one of their own.

While walking around Fort Osage we were blessed to meet Mike Duane who works at the fort.  He was wonderful and made our day!  He was so knowledgeable about the Native Americans and the items they would come to purchase at the Fort, but the best part about Mike is he loves what he's doing and he was so willing to share that passion with my family.  He answered every one of Josiah's questions, made us feel welcome and gave us a wonderful experience today on our journey.

Here's Mike  - the best Fort Osage host!

He even showed the boys how to start a fire on the table with a magnifying glass - that could come back to haunt mom at a later date!

Mike also helped the boys dress the part of a settler in the early 1800s.  My guess is we will use this picture against them some day!
We even had a special demonstration of how to fire a musket (and he actually fired the musket for the boys.)

Mike may not know about the Fish Philosophy (that we practice at Creekside) but he definitely "made our day!"

We are staying in St. Joseph, Missouri tonight and will head to Mitchell, SD tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Why was Terry not playing dress up too? Be safe on your way back.

    The Coles
