Friday, June 10, 2011

Camp River Dubois

We're finally on our way! Last night we stayed in Terre Haute to make sure we knew how to get the RV set up and it was a blast. Terry's already an RV pro. We left this morning and went to Camp River Dubois on our way to pick up the kids. This is the place where Lewis and Clark spent the winter preparing for their trip. The museum was really nice. They have a full size replica of the keelboat showing how they packed all their supplies. I also discovered what many of the men did after the adventure was over - great stories to tell my students next school year!

This is the replica of the keelboat.

We also stopped at the Confluence Tower which was right up the road from the museum. It is a 150 foot tower that allows you to see the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. This is where Lewis and Clark would have started their journey.
We were on the tower below where we could see the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers.

After we finished these two places we went to pick up Don, Crystal and the boys. We actually got everything packed in the RV and have room to spare. Tomorrow we are off to Fort Osage.
Okay, so we aren't exactly traveling the way Lewis and Clark did!

But, he sure looks like a happy camper doesn't he!

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