Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fort Mandan

We visited Fort Mandan first thing Tuesday morning.  The interpretive center focused on the Mandan Native Americans and the winter Lewis and Clark spent with them.  It is the smallest of the interpretive centers so far. This is a civilization that at the time of Lewis and Clark's journey had more Native Americans in their tribe than the number of people in St. Louis.  Unfortunately, just a few years after Lewis and Clark stayed there a steamship came to Fort Clark and someone on the ship had small pox.  The Mandan became infected and it wiped out 90 percent of the tribe.

Tuck with Seaman

We didn't get to actually go in the fort.  It is surrounded by the Missouri River flooding but we were able to get close enough to take a few pictures.  The visitor's center down by the fort is closed as well.  The river flooding is pretty amazing but very sad for the people who have been displaced.  I was disappointed to not get to actually get to be in Fort Mandan but my disappointment pales in comparison to the suffering of the people along the river.
Fort Mandan - the water should not be in the foreground - that's the flooding from the Missouri - note the sandbags around the front of the fort.

Papa and his boys on the sand bags in front of the interpretive center for Fort Mandan.

This was my last Lewis and Clark site on this trip.  We will be heading back home now and will be going a different way back so we can continue to see different things.

We had a long day of driving after Fort Mandan.  We were on our way to Hill City, South Dakota.  Don and Crystal lived in Rapid City for several years so we will be helping the boys remember places from almost 8 years ago.

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