Thursday, June 16, 2011

Custer State Park and Mount Rushmore

We had an amazing day! We spent the morning in Custer State Park and it was simply beautiful. We saw buffalo, mule deer, white-tailed deer, pronghorns, prairie dogs and burros. The burros even let the boys pet and feed them. We could not have scripted a more beautiful day. The sky was a perfect blue and in the 70s. Then we did several of the drives through the park. We were on Needles highway but Terry decided one tunnel was just too narrow, so we headed the other way to Mount Rushmore. Our route definitely challenged Terry's driving - hairpin turns and three narrow tunnels. The views of Mount Rushmore were spectacular and Terry did a wonderful job with the driving. I'm sure he thought it was a blast!
They really are massive creatures.

Josiah and Andrew have a new friend - so much for wild animals!

Even Terry got in on the action.

At least we fit!

We were able to hook up with friends of Don and Crystal's from their Rapid City days for dinner and enjoyed a time for friends to get caught up - dinner was great too!

We headed to Mount Rushmore after dinner to watch the ceremony and lighting of the monument at night. Terry and I have been to Mount Rushmore several times but never at night. It's a moving, patriotic ceremony and the mountain is beautiful with the lights on the monument at night. It was a perfect ending to a wonderful day.
Mount Rushmore

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