Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bismarck, North Dakota

Today was mostly a travel day. We stopped at the Corn Palace first thing in the morning and spent a little time enjoying the murals created from corn. It really is beautiful and very creative.
The front of the Corn Palace

Then it was on the road heading north through South Dakota toward Bismarck, North Dakota. We were not on the interstate most of the day so we got to really see the countryside. We knew we would not have time to get to the interpretive center today so that will be first thing in the morning. We did get to our campground a little earlier so the boys had plenty of time to swim and bike.

The best part of today was getting to visit with Matthew Voorhees and his family who live in Bismarck. Matt is Terry's nephew and they came to our campsite to spend the evening with us. We haven't seen them in several years. Terry talked Matt into cooking for us and we had a wonderful grilled chicken dinner. Josiah said it was the best chicken ever! We sat around the campfire until almost dark and thoroughly enjoyed our visit with Matt, Kim and their kids.
 Here's a picture of all of us after our wonderful dinner.

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