Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our last day in Portland

Today is the last day of our summer adventure.  We have been blessed to see so much of America this summer and it's almost a little surreal.  We've driven about 5,000 miles, flown about 3,900 miles and done 155 miles on rivers.  What a summer vacation!  Tomorrow morning bright and early we fly home to Indy.

Today, however, we decided to spend some time actually on the Columbia River.  We did an all day excursion on the speed boat Outrageous going 60 miles up the Columbia River to Cascade Locks and then back to Portland.  It was cloudy and rainy (apparently normal summer weather in Portland) but we didn't care.  It was a great chance to see the gorge from the water.  The highlight of the trip was going through the locks at the Bonneville Dam we visited earlier in the week.  The locks raise boats 60 feet heading east and lower them 60 feet when heading west.
The Columbia River Gorge is still beautiful on a rainy, cloudy day.
The locks at Bonneville Dam as we were entering
The lock once we were inside.
It was a fun way to spend our last day in Portland.  We had seen the river from both the Oregon and Washington side.  We wanted to also see the views actually on the river.  It has been an amazing trip but it will be good to be home!

Our final adventure in Portland!

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